Why all Girls?

Why all Girls?

Why all Girls?

Those of us who teach girls are passionate about the benefits of girls' education. We know that it builds confidence, nurtures and encourages and provides a unique learning environment that presents opportunities for girls to excel by using teaching strategies that reflect research on how girls learn best.

Studies show the many and varied benefits of all-girls schools. Girls have the best opportunity to reach their full academic potential, have higher tertiary entrance scores and an increased likelihood of going to university. In single sex schools girls engage in more healthy academic competition. In the long term women who attended girls schools earned 19.7% higher wages.

At OLSH girls can:

  • Learn in ways which suit them
  • Learn to lead
  • Have wonderful role models
  • Have the individual attention of the teacher
  • Be empowered without boys

At OLSH girls will:

  • Succeed in subjects not generally thought of as girls subjects - physics, ICT, mathematics
  • Know that atypical careers are open to them.
  • It never occurs to them that they can't be engineers, pilots, microbiologists and ICT programmers
  • Celebrate achievements
  • Find their place